How to Make Delicious Scrambled Eggs

In this recipe, we will be using one key ingredient that takes the flavor of the eggs to the next level – Kerrygold butter.

Kerrygold butter is made from the milk of grass-fed cows and has a rich, creamy flavor that is perfect for cooking and baking. When combined with fluffy scrambled eggs, it creates a decadent and indulgent breakfast that is sure to please.

Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a beginner in the kitchen, this recipe is easy to follow and will have you enjoying restaurant-quality scrambled eggs in no time. So, grab your skillet and let’s get cooking!

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How to Make Scrambled Eggs at Home


5 eggs

sea salt

2 tbsp Kerrygold butter


  1. Using a medium pan heat butter over medium-low heat.
  2. In a small bowl crack eggs, add sea salt and whip with a fork until you’ve added a good amount bubbles. The air bubbles in the scrambled eggs help them become fluffy once cooked.
  3. Once the butter is melted pour eggs into the pan. Allow to cook for 2-3 minutes. As the eggs start to cook occasionally begin to stir around, let cook another 4-5 minutes. But don’t over do it. This is a low and slow method to cooking eggs.
  4. The eggs should be light and fluffy once done. Serve with sautéed veggies or breakfast sausage and enjoy!


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