Homemade Meatballs with Roasted Zucchini Squash

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with a culinary classic that never fails to impress – homemade meatballs paired with roasted zucchini squash. In this recipe, we’ll explore the magic of creating tender, flavorful meatballs from scratch, and elevate them with the rustic charm of roasted zucchini squash. Simple, comforting, and utterly delicious, this dish is sure to become a favorite at your table. Let’s dive in and discover the joy of homemade goodness!

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Savor the Simplicity: Homemade Meatballs and Roasted Zucchini

The zucchini squash is prepped and ready for the oven.

This is what the meatball mixture looks like before combining.

The meatballs are ready to cook.

If you do not have time to also make a homemade red sauce this brand, Rao’s is a great quick and easy option.

The meatballs are pan-fried and almost ready.

The veggies are out of the oven and ready to be plated.

It’s simple and delicious.

On days when you want to get more veggies into your diet.

Here’s how to make these delicious looking meatballs and roasted zucchini squash. It’s a simple weeknight dinner your whole family will enjoy.

Homemade Meatballs


1 lb. organic ground beef

1 egg

1/2 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs

1 cup chopped spinach

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp Italian seasoning

sea salt + black pepper to taste

*your favorite red sauce – I used Rao’s Homemade Tomato Basil Sauce



  1. In a large mixing bowl combine all ingredients. Form into 1-inch meatballs.
  2. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add meatballs and allow to cook for 5-7 minutes. Turning occasionally so they brown evenly.
  3. Reduce heat to a low-medium, cover and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  4. Reduce heat to low. Add your favorite tomato sauce to the meatballs.
  5. Allow to cook for another 10 minutes on low so the sauce and flavors can really infuse together.


Roasted Zucchini Squash


1 large green zucchini

1 large yellow squash

sea salt + black pepper, to taste



  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Slice both zucchini and squash into 1/4 inch rounds.
  2. Place on a cooking sheet with parchment paper (makes for easiest clean up). Cook in oven for about 5-7 minutes.
  3. Flip zucchini squash rounds and return to oven for another 5-7 minutes.


Time to make your plate! I layered the roasted zucchini rounds on the bottom with meatballs and sauce all over the top. The combination of homemade meatballs and roasted zucchini squash not only satisfies our hunger but also nourishes our souls with its comforting flavors and rustic charm.

Whether shared with loved ones around the dinner table or savored in solitude, this dish embodies the essence of home-cooked goodness. So, the next time you crave a taste of nostalgia, remember the magic of homemade meatballs and roasted zucchini squash – a feast for the senses that never fails to warm the heart and tantalize the taste buds.

Happy cooking, and bon appétit!

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