High-Protein Overnight Oats

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and what better way to kick-start your mornings than with a nutrient-packed powerhouse that combines the goodness of oats with the muscle-building benefits of high-quality protein?

High-protein overnight oats effortlessly blend convenience and health, promising a delicious and satisfying start to your day without compromising on the essential nutrients your body craves.

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Power-Packed Mornings: High-Protein Overnight Oats


Overnight oats have gained popularity for their convenience and simplicity, allowing you to prepare a wholesome breakfast the night before and wake up to a ready-to-eat meal.


3/4 cup organic old fashioned rolled oats (I like to use Bob Mill’s)

1 scoop vegan vanilla protein powder (I like to use Garden of Life Protein Powder)

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp maple syrup

1/4 unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1 cup 0% fat plain Greek yogurt

1/2 fresh berries (strawberries/raspberries/blueberries)

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1/2 tsp chia seeds

1 tbsp chopped walnuts

drizzle honey


  1. In a small container (I use these from Amazon) combine oats, protein powder, cinnamon, vanilla extract, maple syrup, and almond milk. Mix together.
  2. Layer with greek yogurt, berries, hemp seeds, walnut and drizzle with honey. Refrigerate overnight and enjoy the next day.

Whether you’re an early riser with a jam-packed schedule or someone who simply wants to make mornings a little more exciting, high-protein overnight oats are a versatile canvas awaiting your culinary creativity. From classic combinations to inventive flavor pairings, the options are endless.

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