5 Easy and Healthy Ways to Have Eggs for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner

Here are 5 easy and healthy ways to have eggs for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Whether you enjoy them scrambled, poached, boiled, or sunny-side-up, eggs are a powerhouse of essential nutrients that can do wonders for your overall well-being.

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  1. Jammie eggs with Applegate chicken + sage sausage. These eggs are cooked slightly over easy but not quite hard. The perfect in between. They are so delicious with some fresh toppings like green onions, jalapeños, red bell peppers, and a sprinkle of your favorite cheese blend. And seasoned with just a dash of sea salt.

2. Fried Egg Taco. This simple yet delicious fried egg taco is my go-to breakfast and/or lunch. I like using Siete’s cassava flour wrap because it’s gluten free and the texture is just right. Cook your egg to your liking, and place it on a toasted wrap with fresh toppings like micro greens, bell peppers, feta cheese and green onion. This is a great one you can make at breakfast, wrap it in foil, and save for lunch.

3. Fried Egg Quesadilla. Basically the same as the taco above but add some of your favorite cheese maybe a slice of tavern ham and toast in a skillet to perfection. Again perfect to make ahead of time and pack for lunch later.

4. Eggs Over Easy. Simple, easy and quick. Elevate your eggs with fresh toppings and a serve with a side of chicken sausage for extra protein. This is a great meal to also eat after an intense workout or endurance training. Your muscles will thank you.

5. Classic Scrambled Eggs. Ok, I know this seems basic but making good scrambled eggs takes a few things like the right butter. I use Kerrygold butter when making scrambled eggs because the of the buttery taste and it’s made from grass-fed cows. Start by cracking your eggs into a bowl, and then whisking them with a fork to add bubbles. These bubbles put air into the eggs which make them fluffy. This step is key to making the perfect scrambled eggs that not only look good but taste good too.

Eggs are a true nutritional powerhouse, especially when it comes to post-workout recovery. With their protein-packed goodness, impressive nutrient profile, and overall convenience, they offer an unbeatable combination to support your fitness journey.

So, crack open those eggs and let them help you achieve your fitness goals one delicious bite at a time!

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